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I'm not sure that it's a regularly used method, but since iron is magnetic and sulfur isn't, you could use a magnet to pick up the iron filings.

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Q: What is the separation technique that you need to use to separate steel fillings from sulfur?
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How do you separate iron fillings and sulfur powder?

you use a magent

Why is it easier to separate a mixture of iron and sulfur than to separate a compound of iron and sulfur?

because a mixture is physically combine while a compound is chemically combine thus make is eaiser for the mixture to separate using the technique magnetic separation.

Separation method for sulfur sand and iron fillings?

use a magnet for separating it the iron fillings will go to the magnet and the sulfer will stay on the ground :)

How do you separate iron fillings from sulfur?

Using a magnet would be the easiest way.

How do you separate sand sulfur and iron fillings from each other?

fractional distillation

What substance can be used to separate a mixture of iron fillings and powdered sulfur?

a magnet

Can you separate the unheated sulfur and iron fillings yes or no?

Yes you can. You might do it with a magnet.

How could you separate a mixture of iron fillings and sulfur powder?

Use a magnet to lift out the iron filings.

How do you separate sulfur and sand and iron fillings?

you can easily remove iron with magnet. then if you do not care about the sulfur you can set it on fire, and what is left will be pure sand. If you do care about sulfur i don't think i can help you.

Is heated sulfur and iron fillings is substance or mixtures?

Heating sulfur with iron fillings lead to the formation of iron sulfide - a chemical compound.

What are the examples of magnetic separation?

The separation technique, magnetic separation is used to separate a solid-solid mixture. But WHAT IS A SOLID-SOLID MIXTURE ? It is a mixture made up of solids that are physically combined. Like.. SULFUR &IRON FILLINGS The iron fillings are magnetic. That is why a magnet is used to separate the mixture. Want to know how? Here are the steps ! 1. Grab a magnet and hold it above the mixture to attract the iron fillings. 2. Gather the extracted iron fillings in another container. 3. Use the magnet again on the newly gathered iron fillings in the container to ensure that we obtain pure iron fillings only. 4. And woila ! We've separated the mixture ! What have we obtained ? When the magnet was moved through the mixture, it attracted the iron filling but not the sand. This is how magnetic separation is used to separate mixtures. Magnetic separation is also used in the real world. REFLECTION ! I think magnetic separation is a very handy technique ! Imagine accidentally mixing iodine and sand. Everyones first reaction would be 'Oh no! How on earth am I to separate these now? Might as well buy a new one.' . But with this technique, we can separate the mixture faster than you can say butterscotch !

How do you separate sodium chloride and sulfur?

the salt(sodium chloride) wiil dissolve when put in water along with the rest of the mixture, leaving the sulfur all alone.