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the chemical dyromicainine

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Q: What is the smartest part of matter that retains its own chemical properties?
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The smallest part of matter that retains its own chemical properties are called?

The smallest part of matter that retains its own chemical properties is called a(n) _______.

What is the smallest part of an element that retains the element's properties?

The smallest subdivision that retains all of the properties of a molecular compound is a molecule, and the smallest subdivision that retains all of the properties of a ionic compound is a formula unit.

What atom?

The smallest particle of matter that retains the properties of the element of which it is a sample.

What's an atom?

The smallest particle of matter that retains the properties of the element of which it is a sample.

Is a property of matter chemical or physical?

Matter has chemical properties (ex.: chemical reactivity) or physical properties (ex.: thermal conductivity).

What are some properties of a matter?

phisical properties and chemical properties

Is the smallest unit of a chemical compound that retains the properties of the compound?


How are atoms best described?

An atom represents the smallest particle that retains unique chemical properties.

What are the sub properties of matter?

The properties of matter are divided into two sub categories. Those categories are the physical properties of matter and the chemical properties of matter.

Is it true that chemical properties of matter cannot be determined from the composition of matter alone.?

Several chemical properties can be estimated knowing the chemical composition.

What is the smallest unit that retains the unique chemical properties of that specific type of matter?

A molecule is the smallest unit of a pure substance that can exist and still retain its chemical properties. An atom is the smallest unit of an element that can exist and still retain its chemical properties.

What are the definitions of chemical and physical properties?

The chemical def for this is ----- properties- the characteristics of matter ; how it behaves.