

What is the species of a rat?

Updated: 11/17/2022
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14y ago

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Blue, Hooded, Dumbo, and Rex.

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Q: What is the species of a rat?
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What are the main species of rats?

the ones that i know about are the guinee rat(newly discovered species), musk rat, black rat, the brown rat, dwarf rat, and the fancy rat

Is your Rat the species Dumbo Rat?

Dumbo rats aren't a different species, they just have lower and more sticky-out ears.

Is the western rat snake poisounis?

No - rat snakes are a non-venomous species.

What is an Asian black rat?

An Asian black rat is an alternative term for the black rat.

What is the scientific name for rat kangaroos?

There are many different species of rat kangaroo, so the scientific name is different for each species. For example;The scientific name for the musky rat kangaroo, the smallest of all kangaroo species, is Hypsiprymnodon moschatus.The scientific name for the rufous rat-kangaroo is Aepyprymnus rufescens.The Desert rat kangaroo, or Buff-nosed rat kangaroo is Caloprymnus campestris.The Brush-tailed rat kangaroo is Bettongia penicillata.

Can a rat live in hot desert?

Yes, there are a number of species of rat that live in hot deserts.

What rat species live in Colorado?

Norway, Roof, Pack & Bushy tailed-wood rat.

What is the binomial name for a rat?

We call them rats because their scientific name is Rattus norvegicus. All the pet and lab rats are belonging to this species. The tiny black colour, house hold rats are under the species of Rattus rattus.The strain name depends on what kind of rat it is.l

Do rat snake have venem?

No - they are constrictors, not a venomous species.

How many species of nake dmole rat are there?


What is the taxonomic classification for the rat?

rodent genus

What adaptations does the desert rat have that help it survive in its environment?

There are a number of species of rat that live in deserts around the world. It would be a big help if you named a particular species.