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sqrt(1) + sqrt(1) + sqrt(64) =

+/- 1 +/- 1 +/- 8

positive square root is 10

negative square root is -10

By permutating the +/- it could also be +8, -8 ,

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It is: 1+1+8 = 10

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Q: What is the square root of 1 plus the square root of 1 plus the square root of 64?
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-64 square root?

The square root of -64 is 8i. ' i ' is the unit imaginary number, equal to the square root of -1, or 1 at an angle of pi/2.

Why is the square root of 1 1?

That is because 1x1=1 and to be a square root, a number times the same number, it will be a square root of that number*. *Example 8 times the same number (8) will be 64 and 8 will be the square root of 64.

What does the square root of 64 mean?

The square root of 64 is the number that, when squared (multiplied by itself), equals 64. The square root of 64 is 8 because 8 x 8 = 64. The square root is also expressed as the number raised to the one-half power (64^(1/2)=8).

What is the square root -64 simplified?

They are -8*i and +8*i where i is the imaginary square root of -1.

What is the square root of 1 over 64?


Is the square root of 1 over 64 rational or irrational?

Rational. √(1/64) = 1/√64 = 1/8

What is the square root of x squared plus 1?

square root of (x2 + 1) = no simplification (square root of x2) + 1 = x + 1

What is the square root of 64 divided by 8?


What is the square root of 64 cubed?

64 x 64 x 64 = 262,144√ 262,144 = 512Another way of arriving at this is to take the square root of 64, and cube it - 8 x 8 x 8 also = 512

What is the square root of x plus the square root of y?

X^1/2 + Y^1/2 Essentially it is just the square root of x plus the square root of y, there's no real way of simplifying that.

If x equals y can square root x plus square root y equals square root x plus y?

Yes, if x and y = 1 √1 + √1 = √1 + 1 1 + 1 = 1 + 1 QED

What is 1 plus the square root of 3?

Square root of 3 is approximately 1.732. 1.732 + 1 =2.732