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Groundhog Day!

We note the "holidays" of the two solstices and the equinoxes when note the end of one season and the beginning of the next, but the mid-season days are often noted as well. Halfway through the northern hemisphere winter is Groundhog Day on February 2. The earlier pagan holiday of Imbolc was on that day, or on the night preceding it.

Halfway through the Northern Hemisphere spring is the old pagan holiday of Walpurgis Night, on April 30, or Beltane, celebrated on May 1. Many non-pagans celebrate "May Day" on that date.

The middle of the northern hemisphere Summer on August 1 isn't so much observed in modern cultures, but the old celebration of Lammas matches it.

The middle of the northern fall is one of our favorite holidays, Halloween - or to use the pagan name, Samhain. The Christian holidays of All Hallow's Eve followed by All Saints Day match this.

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Q: What is the ssp halfway between the December solstice and the march equinox?
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Early February is halfway between what two seasons?

Early February is between winter solstice & spring equinox.

What are an equinox and a solstice?

A solstice is the time of the year where the sun reaches its lowest point and highest point, the winter solstice being the shortest day around the 21st December (for people in the northern hemisphere) and the longest day being around the 21st June. Its to do with the tilt of the earth, which remains constant as it orbits the sun. At the winter solstice, the tilt is exactly away from the sun, while during the summer solstice the tilt is pointing exactly towards the sun. The equinoxes are the halfway points between these events, around the 21st of March and September, where the earths tilt is such that both day and night (for the whole planet) is the same length - 12 hrs.

When is halfway through spring?

In some cultures in the Northern Hemisphere the vernal equinox (varying between 19 and 21 March) is taken to mark the first day of spring, and the summer solstice (around 21 June) is taken as the first day of summer. That makes May 6 the midpoint.

Is the Earth's orbit called a equinox?

No. The equinox happens twice a year, when the Earth is at two specific points in its orbit around the sun. The two equinoxes are around March 21st and September 21st, the halfway points between the summer and winter solstice's. Its when the earths axial tilt is parallel to its orbit, the north and south poles are neither away or pointing towards the sun, so day and night lengths are equal.

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The Vernal Equinox happens every March. What is it?

For those in the northern hemisphere, it's the half way point between the shortest day (Winter solstice) around December 21st and the longest day (summer solstice) around June 21st. Its all to do with the earths tilt, meaning that the northern hemisphere gets more sunlight per rotation in June, when the earths north pole is tilting towards the sun, while it gets less of a day in the winter, when the north pole is pointing slightly away from the sun - half of a year on when the earth is on the other side of the sun. There are points halfway between these two extremes called the equinoxes, where the earth tilt is such that it neither points away or towards the sun, the length of day is the same for the whole planet (12 hours).

Which direction does summer migrate and why?

Twice a year, halfway between summer and winter, the Sun rises exactly in the east , and sets exactly in the west (well, nearly exactly, in both cases). We now know that on the days when this happen, day and night are very nearly equal in length, and that time of year is therefore called "equinox." One equinox happens in the fall ("autumnal equinox") and one in the spring ("vernal equinox," "ver" is Latin for spring). As fall advances towards winter, the location of sunrise moves south, as does the location of sunset. The steepness of the curve traced by the Sun does not change, nor does the rate ("speed") with which the Sun appears to move along it, but the length of the curve changes, it becomes shorter. Around December 21 --the "winter solstice" halfway between the equinox dates (typically, September 23 and March 21) sunrise and sunset are as far south as they can go (at any one location). As a result, the Sun has its shortest path for the year, the day is at its shortest and night is at its longest. Other days of that season are short, too, which is one reason for the colder weather in winter. In summer, the Sun's path is longest, and so are the days. In winter, the Sun's path is shortest, and so are the days. After that the points of sunrise and sunset migrate northward again, and days get longer. This migration continues past equinox (when it is at its fastest), and the Sun crosses the horizon furthest northwards around June 21, the "summer solstice" (celebrated in some cultures as "midsummer day"), longest day of the year with the shortest night. After that days get shorter again as sunset and sunrise migrate south again. The long days of summer, of course, match the warmer summer weather.

Does an equinox occur halfway between a solstices?

Pretty much, yes. You have the spring (vernal) and autumn (autumnal) equinoxes, so it's around that time. Midsummer's day is around the first day of summer. But the equinoxes aren't precisely (to the smallest fraction of a second) halfway between, because the velocity of earth's orbit is constantly changing throughout the year.

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