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ok there is a such thing called a punnet square you can label them by putting the trait in one of those

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Q: What is the standard way of labeling the variations of a particular trait?
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The two different extreme variations in a trait are favored in?

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What is a set of genes that determine a trait?

A piece of DNA which controls a trait is a gene variations of a gene are called alleles. If you mean "controls how much a particular trait is expressed" then you would be dealiung with the promoter region of a gene which is near the start and controls how strongly a gene is expressed.

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matation in somatic

What decides a trait?

When more than one gene influences that particular trait.

Organisms that have identical alleles for a particular trait are called?

There is no particular relationship between organisms that have identical alleles for a particular trait.

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When it comes that a particular trait being spread though a population, it is called reproduction.

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Organisms that have two identical alleles for a particular trait are said to be? homozygous

A plant that is hybrid for a trait is?

Has one dominant and one recessive gene for that particular trait.

What must be done to breed for a particular trait?

Mate 2 dogs that have the desired trait.

A trait is a variation of a particular character?


What do you call a variation to a particular characteristic?

A trait