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Bromine is a red liquid.

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Q: What is the state color and luster of bromine?
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What is the luster of bromine?

Bromine has a metallic luster in its sold form

What does bromine look like in its color in natural state?

It is a redish brown color.

Why is bromine nonmetal?

Bromine is a nonmetal because it doesn't have luster, and it isn't malleable, which are the two main characterisitcs of metals.

Why is bromine a nonmetal?

Bromine is a nonmetal because it doesn't have luster, and it isn't malleable, which are the two main characterisitcs of metals.

What is the state color and luster of magnesium?

Magnesium is a solid metal, gray and shiny.

Is bromine a metal?

Bromine is not a metal. It is a nonmetal halogen and is the inly nonmetal that is liquid at room temperature. Its chemical symbol is Br and has an atomic number of 35. It is reddish-brown in color with a metallic luster (even though it is not a metal).

What is the luster and color for iron?

The luster of iron is metallic and the color of iron is greyish-white.

What is the Aluminum color and luster?

Aluminum is silver/gray in color and has a shiny luster.

What element has a reddish color in a gas and liquid state?

You think probable to bromine (Br).

Which two properties are most useful in distinguishing between galena and halite?

Luster and Color :)

What is the color of luster?

Luster is not a color, but a visible characteristic of the mineral's reflection of light off it's surface. In this case, the color of biotite is dark brown to black, but it's luster would be described as vitreous or glassy.

Does lead have a luster?

Lead has a metallic luster and is white in color. Aluminum, copper all also have metallic luster. Minerals do not have any metallic luster.