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A statute of limitations is to avoid being charged with a crime years after it occurred. A ticket has already been issued in Colorado, so there is no need for a limit. The issuing jurisdiction can collect on the ticket at any point. It was common to have a forgiveness of the fine on a regular basis, but with the economy the way it is, they are seldom offered.

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There is no statute of limitations on court fines. You can expect a bench warrant to be issued for your arrest if you do not take care of the fines.

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Q: What is the statute of limitation on court fines in Colorado?
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The purpose of a statute of limitations is to avoid being charged with a crime years after it occurred. If Colorado has already issued a ticket, so there is no need for a limit. The issuing jurisdiction can collect on the ticket at any point. It used to be common for places to have an amnesty of fines. But with the economy the way it is currently is, they probably won't be offered

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A statute of limitation would not concern you, because you were already charged with the offense. A statute of limitation is a limit on the amount of time that can pass between the commission of a crime and charging someone with the crime. If you never contested the ticket chances are that a fine was imposed and/or a bench warrant was issued.

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There is not statute of limitations on collecting fines imposed by Ohio courts. Once the order has been given by the court, it can be appealed or reversed but there is no limit to the time allowed for collection.

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no i do not believe that their is a limitation on old fines in Arkansas or any other state.

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Fines that have been imposed do not fall under a statute of limitations. Once you have been fined, you have been properly informed of the charges you owe. There may be a limitation as to how long they have to collect, but they typically have an exception for things like this.