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the story behind Leo the lion is that Hercules killed the lion and using it's own claws, skinned the lion and used it's fur to make himself a jacket. his wife was so dissapointed in what Hercules did that she took the dead body of the lion and put it in the sky as a constellation.

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Q: What is the story behind Leo the lion?
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What is the Greek or Roman mythology behind Leo?

The constellation of Leo was reminiscent of the Nemean Lion, killed by Hercules as one of his Labors.

What is the true story of the constellation Leo?

The story of Leo is that of the Nemean Lion who was killed by the Roman/Greek hero Hercules (Herakles) as one of his 12 labors.

How do you say lion in Latin?

leo=lion or Leo=Lion

What is Leo's nickname?

Leo The Lion

What is the origin of the constellation Leo the Lion?

The origin of Leo the Lion is by the Greeks in 40BC. The word Leo is latin for lion.

What is the Latin name for lions?

The Latin word for lion is leo. However, you may be asking about the scientific name of a lion, which is Panthera leo.

Where is Leo the lion?

Leo the lion , is in the Zodiac , star constelation.

When is constellation Leo visible?

Leo the Lion is visible in the fall, winter and spring night sky. It's behind the sun in August (or late summer)

Why was Leo named Leo and why?

Do you mean Leo the star sign? If so, it represents a lion and Leo is the Latin for lion.

What is a common name for a lion?

a common name for a lion is lion or mammal


Leo is the Zodiac sign meaning a Lion. Scientifically it is the constellation of Leo the lion.

What is the story behind the Christian and lion viral video?

The story behind the Christian the lion viral video is that John Rendall and Anthony Bourke purchased a lion and had it released in the wild. After a few years the owners went searching for the lion and they found it. When they found it the lion, Christian, ran up to them and remembered them.