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The stomach has the thickest walls and the strongest muscle in all the GI tract organs. : )

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Q: What is the strongest muscle in the GI tract organ?
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Entero is the combining from for what GI organ?

"Entro" refers to the gastrointestinal tract. Enteritis, for example, is inflammation of some portion of the GI tract. Ileitis, inflammation of the ileum, would be a type of enteritis. An enteropathy would be a condition/ pathology of the GI tract which does not include enteritis/ inflammation.

How does a calf get blackleg?

When the calf is not vaccinated for Clostridium spp.. The bacteria are ingested, pass through the wall of the GI tract, and after gaining access to the bloodstream through capillaries joined to the GI tract, are then deposited in muscle and other tissues.

What is the function of the Longitudinal muscles in the GI tract?

The circular muscle layer prevents food from traveling backward and the longitudinal layer shortens the tract. By Ah Mok

What accessory organ empties into the small intestine?

The gastrointestinal (GI) tract and the pancreas are the two accessory organs that empty into the small intestine.

Where is non-straited muscle found?

Striated muscle is found in cardiac muscle and skeletal muscle, so this leaves non-striated muscle as smooth muscle. Smooth muscle can be found within the walls of blood vessels, GI tract, respiratory tract, bladder, uterus, iris of the eye, and maybe a few more places in the body.

What describes nutrition that by passes the GI tract?

Describes nutrition that bypasses the GI tract

What is the serous membrane that is the external layer of a GI tract organ?

Because internal organs are called viscera, the portion of the serous membrane that attached to an organ is called the visceral layer.

Does the myenteric nerve plexus provides the major nerve supply to the GI tract wall and controls GI motility?

Yes, the large myenteric nerve plexus lies between the cirular and lomgitudinal muscle layers of the muscularis externa. Enteric neurons of this plexus provide the major nerve supply to the GI tract walls and controls GI tract motility. (page 778of Marieb, A&P 3rd edition)

Rhythm like movement of the muscle in the walls of the GI tract?

The rhythmic muscular contractions of the digestive system are called peristalsis.

What is the most muscular part of the digestive system?

Smooth muscle lines most of the digestive system, especially the intestine.