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The collection and/or study of coins is called Numismatics.

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Q: What is the study of coin known known as?
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A study of coin?

The study of coins is called numismatics.

What does numismatics study?

Coin collecting

The study of coin is called?


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What does numismatist study?

numistmatists are coin collectors.

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What are some commonly known coin dealers?

There are many companies and individuals which deal in coins. A professional coin dealer is also known as a Numismatist. Buddy Ebsen is a well known coin dealer. Also, Guy Araby is a well-known coin dealer serving Los Angeles and Orange County.

What is a coin collector called?

A coin collector is often called a "numismatist."Coin collectors are referred to as Numismatists, and the study of coins is also called Numismatics.

What is the study of numbers?

The study of numbers is known as Numerology.

What is the name for old coin collection?

Numismatics is the study or collection of currency.

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