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All chemical reactions in living things take place in what kind of solution

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Q: What is the sum of all chemical reactions in an organism?
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Is mutation the sum of all chemical reactions carried out in an organism?

A mutation is a permanent change in the DNA sequence of a gene. metabolism is the sum of all chemical reactions carried out in an organism

What is the sum of all the chemical reactions that occur in a cell collectively?

The sum of all chemical reactions in an organism is called its metabolism. Metabolism is the set of chemical reactions which occur to sustain life.

What is the term used to describe the sum of all chemical reactions in an organism?


The sum of all chemical reactions carried out in an organism is what?

Life, growth and decay.

Metabolism is defined as?

Metabolism is the total amount of chemical processes that occur in living organisms. The process causes growth, energy and eliminate waste.

What refers to all of the biochemical reactions that occur in the body?

Metabolism is the sum of all OF THE BIOCHEMICAL REACTIONS that take place within an Organism's Cells.Metabolism. This refers to all the chemical reactions in the body. The Krebs Cycle.

The sum of all chemical reactions in an organism is?

The total of all chemical reactions that occur in an organism is called the organisms metabolism. Metabolism allows organisms to grow, reproduce, maintain their structures, and respond to environment.

What refers to all of the chemical reactions in the body?

The sum total of all the chemical reactions occurring in the body are called the metabolism.

What is internal metabolism?

It seems to me that all metabolism is internal; I have never heard of external metabolism. The term metabolism refers to the sum total of all the chemical reactions going on insude an organism which make that organism function.

Which term is used to represents all of the physiological activities carried on by an organism?

Metabolism is the term used to represent the sum total of the chemical reactions in the body. That's close to saying all the physiological activities carried on by an organism.

What is the sum of all chemical processes that occur in an organism?

The sum of all chemical processes that occur in an organism

Sum of all chemical reactions that take place in the cell?