

Best Answer

Scientists havent yet proved the existence of god, but think about this:
if god is proved to do good things the why do bad things happen?
but people argue to this by saying: there is such thing as hairdressers but there is still dirty, unkept hair in the world

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Q: What is the teleological argument for the existence of God?
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What is an argument from design?

An argument from design is a theological term for a teleological argument - an argument for the existence of God, such that because nature is orderly, it is evidence of a designer.

What does the word teleological mean?

The word teleological means of or pertaining to ends, goals or purposes.The teleological argument is an argument for the existence of God, which begins with the allegedly empirical premise that there is order in the universe and that there must be a cosmic intelligence to account forthis order. This argument was popularised by William Paley, who said that if we found a watch we would expect it to have been designed by a watchmaker.

What is the teleological argument?

"Telos" is the greek word for "purpose". According to the Teleological Argument, all things have a purpose and they are designed to fit for that purpose. For example the Universe parameters are all set in specific values so as to allow the existence of life. Thus, many scientists think that the universe is designed with the purpose of supporting the existence of life. Teleology has also many implications in biology science. If you accept teleology in species evolution, then random mutations play less important role as the Darwin-Wallace theory of evolution postulates. When one talks a bout "the teleological argument" it usually refers to any logical argument for the existence of God from the basis of the teleology of the universe. In other words a teleological argument begins with the notion of a purpose within the universe and argues towards the existence of God, or as is usually the case, not necessarily "God" but at least an intelligent designer. The reason being because a teleological argument is based only on the notion of purpose and design it's conclusion only necessarily entails something which could create order within the universe (ie intelligent design), and says nothing about whether the material universe was created ex nihilo (out of nothing). furthermore nothing within the teleological argument necessarily entails that the designer is concerned with the affairs within the universe, or that it could intervene therein even if it was. So while the teleological argument would necessitate an intelligent designer (if it is deductively sound) it doesn't necessarily entail God.

What is the argument by design?

The argument by design, also known as the teleological argument, posits that the complexity and order in the universe suggest the presence of an intelligent designer. It argues that the intricate design and purpose in nature imply the existence of a creator or higher power. This argument is often used to support the existence of God or some form of intelligent being behind the universe.

What is aquina's design argument?

Aquinas's design argument is a philosophical argument that asserts the existence of God based on observations of the order and purpose evident in the natural world. According to Aquinas, the complexity and harmony in nature suggest a design by an intelligent creator, which he identifies as God. The argument is also known as the teleological argument, derived from the Greek word "telos," meaning purpose or end.

What are the Teleological and cosmological arguments?

Both are arguments for the existence of god. They are both similar. The teleological argument, or argument from design posits that there is a god or designer based on the appearance of complexity, order, and design in nature. The argument is usually structured as follows: 1) Complexity implies a designer. 2) The universe is highly complex. 3) Therefore, the universe must have a designer. The cosmological argument, or first cause argument states that god must exist as a first cause to the universe. It is usually structured as follows: 1) Whatever exists has a cause. 2) The universe exists. 3) Therefore the universe had a cause.

Is the argument from morality for the existence of god a strong argument?

yes. it is

When was The Only Possible Argument in Support of a Demonstration of the Existence of God created?

The Only Possible Argument in Support of a Demonstration of the Existence of God was created in 1763.

Does Kant force us to assume the existence of God?

The philosopher, Immanuel Kant attempted to show how philosophy could prove the existence of God. Kant rejected the ontological, teleological and cosmological arguments for the existence of God but held that God's existence is a necessary presupposition of there being any moral judgments that are objective, that go beyond mere relativistic moral preferences; such judgments require standards external to any human mind-that is, they presume God's mind. This is a powerful point of view, but assumes that humans are incapable of morality unless God exists. If we reverse that argument, we find that Kant, having rejected the ontological, teleological and cosmological arguments, leaves us no good reason to believe in the existence of God.

What does teleology mean as a religious term?

AnswerTeleology is the philosophical study of design and purpose. A teleological school of thought holds that there is an inherent purpose or final cause for all that exists, and that all things were designed for or directed toward a final result. Most theology presupposes a teleology. Apparent design in nature is used as a teleological argument for the existence of God.

What is an ontological argument?

The ontological argument is a philosophical argument for the existence of God that is based on the concept of existence or being. It suggests that the very concept of God being the greatest possible being necessarily implies his existence. This argument has been presented and debated by various philosophers throughout history, such as Anselm of Canterbury and RenΓ© Descartes.

How can you know that God exists by looking at creation from order?

Seeking to prove the existence of God by looking at the order in creation, is known as the Teleological Argument. It was proposed by William Paley, who compared the universe to a watch. His argument was that when we see a watch, we know that it had a designer; so when we look at the universe we know that it also had a Designer. He pointed to the human eye and said that this could not have come about but by design. In fact, modern creationists say that the eye must have been created originally just as it is, and could not have evolved. The Teleological Argument is now considered an unsound argument which can not be used to prove the existence of God. It has even been shown how the human eye would have evolved from simpler forms that actually do exist in nature, all the way back to patches of light sensitive skin, the most primitive eye possible. It is not possible to know that God exists by looking at creation from order.