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Q: What is the temperature between the light and the dark side of the moon?
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What temperature is it on the light and dark sides of the moon?

Any place on the moon that's in direct sun (day side) has a temperature around +225 F. Any place on the moon that's not in direct sun (night side) has a temperature around -240 F. Of course, the light and dark areas of the moon keep changing throughout the month.

What is the light between the light and dark parts of the moon?

Terminator or Terminus depending on how Latin you are.

The line between the light and dark parts of the Moon is called the what?


What is the name of the line between the light and dark parts if the moon?


Is the moon always dark?

The Moon Is dark because the sun light reflects on it so when the sun"s light does not hit the moon it is going to be a dark moon

Will it be light or dark on a new moon?


In a lunar eclispe the Earth is between the moon and what?

the earth is between the moon and the sun. so that the solar light cant reach the moon that is in the earth's shadow, and becomes dark.

What are the light and dark areas on the moon?

the light areas of the moon are called the highlands. the dark areas are called maria.

Is there life on the dark side of moon?

There is no life anywhere on the moon - light or dark side.

Is the new moon dark or light?

The color of the new moon is very dark since it is the opposite of a full moon.

Why can you see the moon when its dark?

Light from the sun is reflected off the moon making it visible in the dark.

What is the line between the light and dark parts of the moon?

It's the line where part of the moon doesn't light the night. and, if you look, that line serves a purpose of telling what kind of moon night it is without looking at a calendar.