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The speed of light does not have a temperature.

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Q: What is the temperature of the speed of light?
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What is the effect on the speed of light when temperatures rise in the medium?

When temperature rises, the density of the medium changes. Speed of light through a medium is inversely proportional to the density of medium. So when the temperature increases, the density decreases and the speed of light in that medium increases. Note that this is the indirect effect of temperature. If light is travelling through vaccuum , then the temperature will have no effect on the speed of light.

How is the speed of light and temperature related?

They are not related

Can the speed of light depend on air temperature?

The speed at which light travels through a substance such as air depends on its density, which in turn depends in part on temperature.

What percentage of the speed of light in vacuum is the speed of light in water?

When light with wavelength of 589 nanometers moves through water at the temperature of 20° C, its speed is 75% of the speed of light in vacuum.

It is possible to increase the speed of sound to the speed of light by increasing temperature or any other way?


What effect is on speed of light with the rise in temperature of the medium?

Remains unaltered

Do speed of light depends on some factors as speed of sound depends on temperature?

Yes. It depends on the refractive index of the medium through which the light is travelling.

Can the speed of light depend on air temps temperature?

Yes, but the difference is negligible.

What is the speed of light while traveling 0 c?

The speed of light depends on the refractive index (optical density) of the medium through which it travels. It is not affected by temperature.

Compare the speed of light with the speed of sound at 0 degrees celsius?

The speed of light has nothing to do with the temperature of the vacuum. It is c = 299 792 458 meters per second. The speed of sound has much to do with the temperature of the air. At 0 degrees Celsius the speed of sound in dry air is c = 331.29 meters per second.

Speed of light and speed of sound?

Speed of light in vacuum is a constant which is denoted by c and is 1,86,000 miles/sec or 299,792,458 meters/second. In dry air at a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius speed of sound is 343 meters/second.

Speed of radio signal in air?

-- The speed of radio in air is the same as the speed of light in air.-- That in turn depends on the temperature, pressure, and humidity of the air.-- At 'STP' (standard temperature and pressure) the refractive index of airis listed as 1.00027.So the speed of light/radio would be 99.972% of the speed in vacuum.That's 299,711,536 meters per second, down from 299,792,458 in space.