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Nerves carrying both sensory and motor fibers are called sensorimotor nerves.

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Q: What is the term for nerves carrying both sensory and motor fibers?
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Where can both sensory and motor fibers be found together?

Mixed nerves like the spinal nerves have both sensory afferents and motor efferents.

What do the mixed cranial nerves containing both motor and sensory fibers include?


Can a nerve fibre and nerve both carry sensory and motor impulses?

There are the Mixed Nerves in the spinal column that carry both sensory and motor nerves, but these neurons have 2 different jobs that they do,& I know of no neurons doing both as the impulses travel to 2 different locations which couldn't be done at the same time.

Does a mixed nerve contain both sensory and motor neurons?

Yes, "Mixed nerves" of the peripheral nervous system contain both sensory and motor fibers

Are spinal nerves are sensory nerves?

Some are sensory nerves, some are motor nerves

Spinal nerves are purely sensory and motor?

Spinal Nerves Are Both Sensory and Motor. Spinal nerves are not one or the other.

What are the percentages of motor nerves and sensory nerves in the human body?

I dont know the percentage but the 3 types of it are Sensory nerves Motor nerves Mixed nerves

Why are sensory nerves connected to motor nerves?

? ? ?

What are sensory and motor nervers called?

sensory and motor nerves are called afferent and efferent nerves respectivelly

What is the network of the sensory and motor nerves?

The network of sensory and motor nerves together is called the peripheral nervous system.

Are cranial nerves motor or sensory?

sensory nerve

What are 2 types of nerves?

motor and sensory nerves