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The House of Represenatives is Not in the Judicial branch It is part of the Legislative Branch.

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Q: What is the term for the house of representatives in the judicial branch?
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Which branch of government has no successors to the presidency?

Neither the Judicial nor Legislative Branch (Congress) has term limits. The difference is, Senators and Congressmen may be voted out of office, but members of the Judicial Branch can only be involuntarily removed from the bench if they are impeached by the House of Representatives and convicted by the Senate.

What are the two houses of the judicial branch?

The Judicial branch of the Federal government is the supreme court and at the state level is the court of appeals and then lowest are the district courts. When you use the term "houses" it sounds to me like you are confusing the Judicial and the Legislative Branch. The Legislative Branch is the congress which is split into two houses, the House of Representatives and the Senate.

What branch can serve a lifetime term?

Not a Branch the House of Representatives serve for life.

Is the house of representatives only be selected by the state governments?

In the US, the term of house of representatives means the Congressional branch called the House of Representatives. Here, delegates to the House are based on elections by the citizens of a State,

How long is the term for the legislative branch?

The House of Representatives is 2 years and the Senate is 6 years

Can the Judicial Branch fire the US President?

No. The President can only be removed from office before the end of his (or her) term if the House of Representatives votes for impeachment and the Senate convicts him at trial. The House of Representatives and Senate are Congress; Congress is part of the Legislative Branch of government.The Judicial Branch has no power with regard to removing public officials from office.

How were representatives selected in the New Jersey Plan?

By one house electing the executive branch for one term

What is the length of term for judicial branch?

I think if u get in the judicial branch its a lifetime termIt is a lifetime term

Why is there no term limit in the judicial branch?

They serve for life! :)

How long is a term in judicial branch?

36 years

What branch of congress is congress?

Congress is part of the Legislative branch of government.

What is the executive branch length of term and term limits and duties?

The Judicial Districts.