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This is known as bartering.

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Q: What is the term for trade that is based on the exchange of goods rather than for money?
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What is an money economy?

an economic economy based on money exchange rather than barter

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De Columbian Exchange twas rather extroidenary. De Europeans traveled to North America in hope of money, goods, and slaves!

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Money is any object excepted in exchange for goods and services. The object used in place of goods and services, to purchase goods and services.Fiat money is government authorized currency based on governmental placed value.

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Trading without the use of money is called?

Trading without the use of money is called bartering. In bartering, goods or services are exchanged directly for other goods or services without using a medium of exchange like money.

Why does the world have money?

The world has money to exchange for goods or services.

A system involves the direct exchange of goods and services without the use of money as a medium of exchange?

A _barter_ system involves the direct exchange of goods and services without the use of money as a medium of exchange.

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Why money is important in life?

we use money to exchange for goods and services! before that we would barter and exchange goods and services - the main difference between the two is that with money i can swap my apples that would rot for money that doesn't and save that money for later ( when my apples would have rotted) and exchange my money for other (food) goods or services! it's a no perishable way of saving and accumulating wealth against other goods or services!