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The theme of Animal Farm is not difficult to understand. Orwell intended to criticize the communist regime he saw sweeping through Russia and spreading to Europe and even the United States. Though he agreed with many Marxist principles, Orwell was unable to accept the communist interpretation of socialism because he saw many similarities between the communist governments and the previous czarist regimes in old Russia. Communism, he thought, was inherently hypocritical.

In his self-proclaimed "fairy-story," Orwell uses his allegorical farm to symbolize the communist system. Though the original intention of overthrowing Mr. Jones (who represents the Czars), is not inherently evil in itself, Napoleon's subsequent adoption of nearly all of Mr. Jones' principles and harsh mistreatment of the animals proves to the reader that indeed communism is not equality, but just another form of inequality. The pigs and dogs take most of the power for themselves, thinking that they are the best administrators of government. Eventually the power corrupts them, and they turn on their fellow animals, eliminating competitors through propaganda and bloodshed. This is of course a reference to Stalin, who murdered many of his own people in order to maintain his Dictatorship of Russia.

Thanks in part to Animal Farm, much of the Western world finally realized the danger of communism. Soon a Cold War began between the world's greatest superpowers- the Soviet Union and the United States. In the end, America would prove that capitalism and democracy could outlive a system of government-mandated equality.

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14y ago

Complexities of the failed Russian revolution are elaborately yet allegorically implied in the fable, 'Animal farm'.

George Orwell gives lives to animals and produces a story exactly parallel to what happened during and after the revolution in Russia.

Karl Marx, who propounded the ideology of revolution to overthrow the ruler Tsar Nicholas II, is given the character of the old major, a pig who stirs up the animals of the farm to over-throw the farm owner, Mr. Jones.

Stalin and Trotsky are given the corresponding characters of the pigs Napoleon and Snowball respectively. As it is known that Trotsky was overthrown by Stalin, Napoleon does the same to Snowball. All the atrocities that Stalin doles open the people of Russia then, are clearly pictured in the deeds of Napoleon in the novel to other animals.

George Orwell and Animal Farm both succeed n portraying the negativism of the Russian revolution because exactly like what happened in it, Animal farm is a story of the oppressor and the oppressed and an idea betrayed.

Indeed, the original and primary objective with which the revolution was propagated was for the universal good of the Russians. It was only later due to the tyrannical oppression of Stalin that the positive ideologies and objectives of the revolution were totally negated and betrayed.

The original commandments with which the animals in the farm primarily vowed to live were totally betrayed by Napoleon himself. "No animal should drink alcohol" gets "to excess" added to it. Similarly, "with sheets" gets added to, "no animal shall sleep in the bed". The commandment of not killing other animals become, "No animal shall kill other animal, without cause". "Some animals are more equal to other animals" gets added to "All animals are equal". Finally the humans who were supposed to be enemy get befriended by Napoleon.

Most ironically Napoleon and his follower pigs ultimately start walking in two legs and do everything that a human does, completely inconsistent with the original ideas with which the revolution had initiated. These pigs becoming humans are referred to Stalin becoming absolute dictator like the previous ruler, Tsar Nicholas II.

Indeed, the failings of the Russian Revolution are vividly shown and justified by Orwell in his novel.

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13y ago

1.socialism and communism 2. class stratification 3.naive working class 4. abuse of power these arethe most obvious themes but there are more

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15y ago

go to it has the answer there!!! DONT WORRY ULL FIND IT! go to it has the answer there!!! DONT WORRY ULL FIND IT!

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12y ago

it is an allegory of the russian revolution

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14y ago

the theme of Animal Farm is that the pigs can be as welll as the humans

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9y ago

As with any great piece of literature, there is more than one theme in Animal Farm by George Orwell. One theme could be that power corrupts people.

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11y ago

It is a political satire by George Orwell, intending to shed light onto the harsh reality behind the seemingly perfect communism of the Russian Revolution.

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Animal Farm is a book by George Orwell. The themes of the book are directed at an adult audience. However, it is presented like a children's story.

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You can find a list of the characters from Animal Farm on the cliffsnotes website or on the gradesaver website. Animal Farm is a novel by George Orwell.

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The setting of Animal Farm, a farm run by animals who overthrow their human owner, plays a crucial role in the plot. The farm symbolizes the Soviet Union under Stalin's rule, showcasing how power can corrupt and lead to oppression. The setting of the farm allows for the exploration of themes such as tyranny, revolution, and the dangers of totalitarianism.

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