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That depends on what the charge is. You could be looking at 15 years before the statute of limitations runs in your favor.

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Q: What is the time limit on filing a warrant for a drug charge?
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Will Florida extredite from KY on a drug warrant?

It depends on the severity of the charges, but yes. They can, and in the case of a felony charge, probably will.

How long does the police have to serve a warrant on a felony drug warrant like introduction of contraband?

There is no statutory time limit on the service of a warrant. If the investiagtion is ongoing they may be holding off on it while they gather additional information on you or your contacts and crimes. OR - of course,. if you're avoiding the service of the warrant, you will not beat it by trying to outwait it.

Can you get financial aid with a warrant?

Yes, as long it is not drug related and its not a felony warrant.

What do you do if the statute of limitations has expired on a felony drug charge?

You need to consult with a criminal attorney. They will know whether the limit has actually expired.

If a person has an outstanding warrant on them in Missouri but lives in Tennessee can this person be arrested in Tennessee for this outstanding drug related charge?

Yes. If you are a fugitive from MO and your warrant appears on the National criminal information computer system (NCIC) you can be arrested wherever you happen to be found.

With a search warrant drug related issued for a particular home can police drug test a non-resident visitor that was not named on the warrant?

if that person gives them consent they can.

If you have a warrant issued for you on a misdemeanor drug charge but have not pled guilty to it will it show on your background check?

Yes. One of the purposes of background checks is to identify past offenses and arrests, whether they resulted in conviction of not. It is unlikely you will pass a background check if you have an arrest warrant outstanding.

Are there any residential drug treatment programs in San Diego County or Riverside County that will accept a person with felony possession drug warrant's?

I seriously doubt it, if they knowingly did so they would be opening themselves up to a charge of "Harboring a Fugitive."

Can you receive section 8 with a misdeamenor drug charge?

can you get a section 8 with a drug charge in tennessee

Can you work as a security guard with a misdemeanor drug charge?

can you work as a security gaurd with a misdemeanor drug charge

Statutes of limitation on felony drug possession in Massachusetts?

There is no statutes of limitations on a felony possession drug warrant. It forever stays active.

You are 50 years old and had a drug felony charge when you were 17 what do you need to do to remove this charge from your criminal record?

esponging a 33 year old drug felony charge