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About 27 days.

About 27 days.

About 27 days.

About 27 days.

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About 27 days.

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Q: What is the time that it takes for the Moon to orbit Earth relative to the stars is?
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How many days it takes for the moon to revolve around the earth?

Relative to the background stars, the moon takes 27 days 7 hours and 43 minutes to orbit the earth..

How many days moon to revolve around earth?

Relative to the background stars, the moon takes 27 days 7 hours and 43 minutes to orbit the earth.

How many earth days is one revolution of the moon around the earth?

Ignoring the earth position relative to our sun, the moon takes 27 days 7 hours and 43 minutes to orbit the earth - the sidereal orbit (orbit relative to background stars). During this time, the earth has progressed around the sun a little, on its orbit around the sun. For the moon to get back to exactly the right phase, it takes a little longer, 29 days, 12 hours and 44 minutes in total from full moon to the next full moon. This is known as the synodic period. The moon will have made just over one orbit relative to the background stars, and will have moved round slightly to be in front of some different stars to those at the previous full moon.

How does the sun moon stars earth moon move during day?

Earth rotates on its axis The moon orbits the Earth The sun IS a star so stars move the same way Earth takes a year to orbit the sun Moon takes a month to orbit the earth Earth takes a day to orbit around its axis The Sun does NOT move

How many rotations does the earth make once the moon makes one complete orbit around the earth?

it makes one orbit

How long it takes for the moon to orbit the earth?

it takes about 5 days to orbit once around the earth 2nd Answer: The correct answer is a little less than 28 days, which long ago determined the length of a moon-th, I mean month.

How long does it take for the moon to go through one set of phases?

29 days, 12 hours and 44 minutes. This is not the same as the time taken for the moon to make one orbit of the earth though. Relative to the background stars and ignoring the earth position relative to our sun, the moon takes 27 days 7 hours and 43 minutes to orbit the earth - the sidereal orbit. During this time, the earth has progressed around the sun a little, on its orbit around the sun. For the moon to get back to exactly the right phase, it takes a little longer, 29 days, 12 hours and 44 minutes in total from full moon to the next full moon. This is known as the synodic period. The moon will have made just over one orbit relative to the background stars, and will have moved round slightly to be in front of some different stars to those at the previous full moon.

Which planet has a day that is almost as long as its year?

Venus - it takes 243 days to spin on its axis relative to the background stars, while it takes 224.7 days to orbit the sun.

Which planet orbits the sun in 243 days?

Venus takes 243 days to spin on its axis relative to the background stars, while it takes 224.7 days to orbit the sun.

The time it takes for the earth to orbit the sun?

Our earth takes 365.25 days to orbit the sun .

What term do astronomers use for the time it takes for a planet to orbit the sun relative to the stars?

Astronomers use the term "sidereal period" to describe the time it takes for a planet to orbit the sun relative to the stars. Sidereal periods are measured based on the apparent motion of a planet against the background of fixed stars rather than against the sun. This allows for more precise measurements of a planet's orbital period.

Does Venus turn?

Yes, but very slowly. Venus takes 243 days to spin on its axis relative to the background stars, while it only takes 224.7 days to orbit the sun.