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they often were kimono dresses

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Q: What is the traditional style of dress in japan?
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What is traditional dress?

A traditional dress varies depending on region and even periods in history. For example, the traditional dress in Japan is the kimono.

What is the traditional dress of Japan?


What is the traditional dress in japan?

a kimono

What is the name of traditional dress of japan?


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Which is the famous traditional dress in japan?

The Kimono (for women).

What is the traditional dress in Asia?

Asia is a large continent with a multitude of different cultures. Traditional dress varies from kimonos in Japan to long colorful dresses of Thailand.

What is a United Kingdom traditonal dress made of?

The UK doesn't have a traditional dress style but some individual areas do. For example the tartan kilt in Scotland.

In what island country did people wear Kimonos?

Kimonos (loose robes) are a traditional form of dress in Japan.

What is Amelia bloomer best known for?

Her style of dress, she thought women should wear short skirts and pants, to free themselves from the encombrances of traditional dress.

What is the straw mat flooring called in western style and traditional rooms in japan?

egg roll

What is the traditional dress of french Guiana?

The clothing is western-style (based on French fashion), but adapted to the tropical climate. The men wear shirts and trousers, while women wear blouses and skirts or cotton dress, or trousers.