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Hypothalamus and pituitary gland secrete hormones and regulate other endocrine organs. They are the main regulatory organs of the endocrine system

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Q: What is the type of regulation in the endocrine system?
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What type of regulation results from the activites of the endocrine and the nervous system?

Extrinsic regulation

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How does the human body detect changes in its internal conditions?

Homeostasis. Regulation of the endocrine system.

What type of change is coordinated by the endocrine system?

what type of change is coordinated by the endocrine glands

What does the endrocine system do for the body?

Endocrine system is the manager (some say Director, Diriguent) for regulation of hormones in the body

What are the two body systems involved in regulation?

The nervous system and the endocrine system are the two major regulatory systems in the body.

What is definition of glandular system?

of or pretaining to any type of gland, such as an endocrine gland

What is the human and animal relationship between the endocrine system?

the animals endocrine is the sane as the humans. but in a different position. just look at and type "an animals Endocrine system".

How are the reproductive and endocrine and endocrine systems related?

They are both involved in the production and regulation of hormones.

Endocrinology refers to the study of what?

Endocrinology is the study of the endocrine system and its diseases. The endocrine system is the type of system in the body that is made up of glands and the hormones they secrete.

What are 3 general functions of the endocrine system?

The endocrine system is vital to maintaining health. Three of the major functions of this complex system are growth regulation, insulin production, and reproduction.

What distinguishes autoregulation from extrinsic regulation?

Auto regulation (intrinsic) is when a cell, organ, or organ system automatically adjusts itself in response to a change in the environment. Extrinsic regulation involves the nervous and/or endocrine system detecting a change and sending a signal or releasing a chemical to facilitate change in another organ system, organ, or cell.