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Depends on what type of cardiac surgeon your talking about but...8 years in college, ~6 years in residency and ~$300,000 of debt (probably more); You are probably looking at $350,000/year. Do yourself a favor and become an investment banker/CEO instead.

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They earn around 405k in the united states. In other places, they earn more or less.

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Q: What is the typical salary for a heart surgeon in the first year?
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How much do heart surgeons earn in Las Vegas?

In Las Vegas, Nevada, the average annual salary for a heart surgeon is $56,000. The average annual salary for a heart surgeon in Dalton, GA is $62,000. In New York City, the average annual salary for a heart surgeon is $95,000.

What is the average salary for an heart surgeon?

A year about 120-150 grand

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Dr. Daniel Hale Williams was the first African American heart surgeon.

How much money does a heart surgeon earn each month?

they get a patient that lives a longer life.

Who was Dr christian bernard?

The first successful heart transplant surgeon.

What branch of the surgeon is the highest paid?

Plastic surgeons, heart surgeons, and brain surgeons all make the most salary out of doctors.

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The most famous heart surgeon is probably South African surgeon Christiaan Barnard who performed the first successful human heart transplant in December of 1967.

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niether be a toe surgeon

If a heart surgeon takes out the heart and kills the patient will the heart surgeon go to jail?

NO the patient was dying already so atleast the surgeon tried to save him/her :)

How do you say heart surgeon in french?

In French heart surgeon is: chirurgien de coeur.

Who is the first surgeon to repair a tear in the sac around the heart?

Williams, Daniel Hale

Does an actuary or a heart surgeon earn more in the US?

A heart surgeon earns more than an actuary in general, however, many actuaries earn in excess of $110,000 once they obtain their fellowship plus they receive annual bonuses of 20% or more. It is a profession where the more experience and exams you pass, the higher your salary is. Visit the following website for accurate salary information for actuaries: