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m2/Ω mol

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Q: What is the unit of ionic conductance?
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The si unit of conductance is?

The unit of electrical conductance is the mho.

Why is conductance G?

Conductance is an opposition of Resistance and it is denoted by G. It is given by the relationship G = 1/R . In past the unit of conductance was (mho) which is opposite to (ohm). But these days the unit of conductance is Siemens which is denoted by 'S'.

What is the SI unit of molar conductance?

the SI unit of molar conductance isohm-1 m2 mol-1by ranvir the great

Is the unit of resistance and conductance are same?

The unit of resistance is ohms, the unit of conductance (1 / resistance) is siemens. 1/R = S, or alternately R = 1/S.

What is conductance measured in?

The SI unit for conductivity is the siemens per metre. Conductivity is the reciprocal of resistivity, whose SI unit is the ohm metre.

Whose unit is siemen?

electric conductance

How would you test to see if acids and alkalis are ionic compounds?

Their conductance of electricity in aqueous solutions prove that they are ionic in nature.

Why use AC to measure ionic conductance and why not dc current?

in order to avoid electrolysis

What is an abmho?

An abmho is a unit of measurement used to measure conductance.

What is the si unint of conductance?

si unit is-------------> siemens,denoted by 's'

What is the definition of abmhos?

The definition of an Abmhos (Abmho) a unit of electrical conductance

Difference between semen and mho which are the units of conductance?

The correct spelling is siemens, and it is the SI unit for conductance -the reciprocal of resistance. The mho is simply an obsolete unit for the same thing, and is numerically equal to the siemens.