

What is the valency of phosphate?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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PO4 has its valency 3 but,

PO3 also has its valency 3

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Q: What is the valency of phosphate?
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Valency of phosphate?

The phosphate ion is PO43-

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On its own, the valency of phosphate is 3

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Why does periodic table show phosphate having valency of 5 yet it is really valency 3?

You have mistaken Phosphate for Phosphorus. Phosphorus is in Group 5 of the periodic table. Group 5 elements generally have a valency of 3, but it is also possible for them to have a valency of 5... Below are two examples of compounds, one using Phosphorus with valency 5 (V) and one using Phosphorus valency 3 (III) : Phosphate (phosphorus with maximum oxygen) This is formed by Phosphorus (V) + 4 Oxygen. Oxygen has valency -2, thus... 5 + 4 x -2 = 5 - 8 = -3 So we can see that Phosphate has a charge of -3 (or in other words a valency of 3) Phosphite (phosphorus with one less than maximum oxygen) This is formed by Phosphorus (III) + 3 Oxygen, and so... 3 + 3 x -2 = 3 - 6 = -3 So we can see that Phosphite also has a valency of 3 Hope this helps!

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According to Wikipedia, Ca(H2PO4)2: Calcium forms a divalent cation, and the polyatomic anion dihydrogen* phosphate has only a single negative valency.

Valency of phosphorous?

-3 to metals and hydrogen (phophide) +3 in oxo-compounds (phosphite) +5 in oxo-compounds (phosphate)

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