

Best Answer

Depends on the genetic make up of the parent organisms.

for example: Aa x Bb yeilds->

AB, Ab, aB, & ab

Just draw a punnet square and solve that way

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Green Tremblay

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Q: What variation is produced when crossing over occurs is what?
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What are the sources of variation in the offspring produced by sexual reproduction?

Random assortment & crossing-over

What is the importance of crossing-over?

It allows variation in the produced offspring as genes from both parents are present in the organism.

How is genetic variation among gamete produced during meiosis?

Crossing over when pieces of homologous chromosomes are exchanged

Does crossing over occur in meiosis?

yes crossing-over occurs in meiosis also known as genetic drifting

When does crossing occurs in meiosis?

Crossing over occurs during Prophase I.

Which phase of meiosis occurs right after crossing over?

Before crossing over, interphase I takes place. Crossing over occurs during prophase I. Metaphase I occurs after prophase I.

Does meiosis have variation?

During meiosis, genetic recombination of homologous chromosomes occurs. So meiosis does result in genetic variation. After prophase I, during which crossing over occurs, every chromosome will have some maternal DNA and some paternal DNA.

Which process produces the most variation within a species?

Variations occurs in species due to the process of "Crossing over"

Compare any differences in the appearance of genes on chromosomes in gamete cells when crossing over occurs and when it does not occur?

The genes are different because crossing over causes some of the genes on the homologous pair to shuffle, creating variation.

The process of crossing over affects the variation in living things by?

Increasing variation

What happens chromosomes undergo crossing-over?

During meiosis, permutation.

How does crossing over assist with variation among species?
