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The verb for payment is pay.
Other verbs are pays, paying and paid.

"I will pay my dues".
"I am paying the fine"
"I have paid for my actions".

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12y ago

The word payment is a noun.

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8y ago

Pay or, have paid or, pays or, has paid.

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Q: What is the verb of payment?
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Is the word payment a verb?

"Payment" is a noun. In the sentence "You make a payment" the verb is "make". The verb most closely related to "payment" is "pay."

What is the root word for payment payable?

the verb TO PAY.

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Volunteer is a noun and a verb. Noun: One who carries out a service without payment. Verb: To enlist oneself as a volunteer.

What part of speech is the word volunteer?

Volunteer is a noun and a verb. Noun: One who carries out a service without payment. Verb: To enlist oneself as a volunteer.

How do you convert the verb pay into abstract noun?

In this case you add a suffix "ment" to make the noun "a payment".

The payment is going to done.Is this sentence correct?

No, it is not correct. The following are all correct sentences:The payment will be made.The payment will be complete.The payment will be completed.Someone is going to make the payment.Part of the problem is the choice of verb: in English, we speak of "making a payment", not "doing a payment". Also, while "is going to" is not strictly incorrect when used in the passive voice, it can sound awkward, and "will" often sounds better.

What is the difference between pay and payment?

Pay is a verb (often): Pay me now for the day. Or, your pay often means what you take home: My pay is too low for all my expenses. Payment: I mailed in the payment on my credit card. I worked out a payment plan with the IRS and will pay them $100 a month until my debt is paid off. You owe a minimum payment every month on your credit card. You can pay it online or you can pay them by mailing in a check.

Is the word pay a noun?

The word pay is both a verb (pay, pays, paying, paid) and a noun (uncountable).The noun 'pay' is a word for money received for doing work; a word for a thing.You can "pay" someone (verb). Or you can receive "pay" (noun).The noun forms of the verb to pay are payee, payer, payment, and the gerund, paying.

What part of speech is dispense?

The word dispense is a regular verb. The past tense is dispensed. The machine dispensed the paper. The inventions dispense soda upon payment and request.

Which one is a correct sentence the bank are waiting or the bank is waiting?

The word "bank" is singular and would use the verb "is waiting."e.g. The bank is waiting for your loan payment.

Is want a verb?

Yes, the word 'want' is a verb; want, wants, wanting, wanted. The word 'want' is also a noun, a word for a lack or deficiency of something. Example uses: Verb: You will want your umbrella later, it's supposed to rain this afternoon. Noun: The want of sufficient funds for a down payment made home ownership out of reach.

Is paid a noun?

No, the word paid is a verb, past tense of 'to pay', and and adjective. Example uses:Verb: When I've paid all of these bills, I can start saving for a vacation.Adjective: Be sure to get a paid stamp on your invoice when you pay it.The noun forms of the verb to pay are payer, payee, payment, and the gerund, paying.