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One yard of PEA Gravel weighs approximately 3,000 pounds

Clarification: one CUBIC yard weighs approx 3,000 pounds.

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Q: What is the weight of 1 yard of pea gravel?
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How much does 1 cubic yard of pea gravel weigh?

1 cubic yard = 1.3 tons

How much does 1 cubic yard of pea gravel cost?


What is the price for 1 yard of pea gravel in California?

One square yard of this should cost you roughly $35

How many shovel fulls is 1 yard of pea gravel?

Round point about 270 Square point about 230

What is 1 yard of gravel?

A yard of gravel is the amount of gravel that will fill a container whose inside dimension is 1 yard by 1 yard by 1 yard. It's a cubic yard of gravel. The metric equivalent is .9144 meters by .9144 meters by .9144 meters.

How many bags of 0.5 cubic feet pea gravel would you need to equal 1 yard?

1 cubic yard = 27 cubic feet = 54 half-cubic-foot bags

What is pea stone?

Pea stone is gravel that is about 1/4 inch in diameter (the size of a pea).

What is the weight of 1 yard of crushed gravel?

Crushed? 3,000 pounds or more depending on how finely crushed it is.

How do you convert pea gravel from weight to cubic meters?

First, you need the density of pea gravel. This depends heavily on particle size and cleanness of the gravel, but a density of 3000lb/yard3 is a realistic estimate. If you want the final answer in metric, it's useful to convert the density to 1780kg/meter3. Knowing this density, you can use it as a conversion factor. You just take the mass of your Pea gravel (for example 50kg) and multiply it by 1 meter3/1780kg to make the units cancel out. Or if you want it easy, just take the weight of your pea gravel in kilograms and divide it by 1780 to get volume in cubic meters. This is a very rough estimate, and actual values depend on the density of the pea gravel being used. The basic idea for any conversion is that you get the density and make sure it uses cubic meters.

Pea gravel size?

Pea gravel consists of small, rounded stones often used for walkways, animal pens, and other places where sharp gravel isn't wanted. Pea gravel can come in more than one size but is typically anywhere from 1/8 of an inch to 3/8 or an inch in diameter.

How many tons in 1 yard gravel?

do you mean cubic yards? depends upon the rock type and how fine it is, but one reference notes that one cubic foot of gravel typically weighs about 100 pounds. So 1 ton has 2000/100 or 20 cubic feet of gravel. A cubic yard is 3x3x3 = 27 cubic feet to the cubic yard Answer is 20/27 or 0.74 cu yard. I'd round that to 3/4 cubic yard. Other factors that affects the volume of gravel is the moisture content and the grading of the material. Pea gravel for instance contains all particles of a specified size, say, 1/4 inch. With most particles being the same size, the air voids in the bulk material are maximized, therefore one ton of pea graves has more volume than one ton of random size material. If you have gravel of 1/4 inch maximum size along with all sizes smaller than 1/4 inch, the air voids in the bulk material are very small because the smaller particles fill the spaces between larger particles. One ton of random size material will occupy less volume. The other factor, moisture, causes the volume of one ton of loose placed material to increase. Therefore, one cubic yard of moist gravel will weigh less than one cubic yard of dry gravel. This trait is reverse what seems logical because of the added weight of the water. What actually occurs is the moist surfaces of the gravel particles causes them to stick together in random patterns (resulting in larger air voids) rather than sliding tightly together. The increased air in moist gravel more than offsets the increased weight of water so one cubic yard of moist loose (not compacted) gravel weighs less than one cubic yard of dry gravel. Almost all gravel sales are by weight (ton) rather than by volume because of this factor.

How many pounds in 0.5 cubic feet of pea gravel?

Each .5 cubic feet bag of pea gravel will weigh approx. 50lbs.