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The term is "simile" - a direct comparison of a specific attribute or set of attributes.

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Q: What is the word for implied comparison introduced with as or like?
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A simile is a type of comparison that?

A simile is a type of comparison which is clearly a comparison, unlike the metaphor which is an implied comparison. It uses either the word 'like' or 'as'.These are some examples of similes: She is like a shining star. The sky is vast as the thoughts of a god. The clouds are thin, like the smoke of a candle extinguished.

A comparison of unlike things without using a word of comparison such as like or as is called?


Making a comparison without using a connecting word?

A comparison without using a connection word is called a metaphor. The connection word is like or as.

A comparison of unlike things using a word of comparison such as like or as is called?

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What is a word's implied meaning?

Implied meaning is a meaning that isn't explicitly stated. So an implied meaning question is something like 'Aren't you a little chilly in that outfit?' It sounds like you're just concerned for the person's health, but the implied meaning can be something rude like 'Slutting it up a little in that skirt, aren't ya Sparky?' YOu might be looking for the word "connotation."

The comparison of unlike things using word like of as?


How many number of syllables are in implied?

There are two syllables in the word 'implied'.

What is a comparison between two thing that uses the word like or as?

a simile

How do you spell symilie?

The likely word is "simile" (a comparison of characteristics using like or as).

Which word is the clue to identify the sentence as simile?

Like word is mostly used for identifying a simile. It is a word that is used for comparison.