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Acetic and acid ARE words, so the word form is acetic acid!

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Q: What is the word form for acetic acid?
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Is vinegar a acetic acid?

because the word aceta is derived from acetum,means vinegar,vinegar is actually the dilute form of acetic acid

What salt is formed when triethylamine reacts with acetic acid?

Acetic acid and triethylamine do not form a salt, but form a complex, triethylamine:acetic-acid.

What is the Latin word for acetic acid?

acetic sharp

What other acid can form acetic acid?

Tartaric acid

What is another word for ethanoic acid?

Acetic Acid. In the modern IUPAC Nomenclature it is 'Ethanoic Acid' The old cammercial name is 'Acetic Acid'. The chemical formula/structure is 'CH3COOH'.

Sodium Bicarbonate Acetic Acid?

sodium bicarbonate reacts with acetic acid to form sodium acetate and carbonic acid. carbonic acid will further dissociate to form water and carbon dioxide

Does Pine Sol contain vinegar acetic acid acetates or anything that would form acetic acid when heated?

no , but it does have lactic acid and citric acid and HCL

What alcohol and acid form ethyl acetate?

Ethanol and acetic acid.

What will be form in combining acetic acid and water what kind of solution is it?

It will be an aqueous acetic acid solution. normally water is added in order to decrease the concentration of an acid & gives the diluted form of it.

Is acetic acid present in spinach?

No. Acetic acid is vinegar. One acid in spinach is oxalic acid, which can form kidney stones (calcium oxalate) in susceptible individuals.

What the name of HC2H3O2?

Acetic acid, which is weak enough to put in your mouth if it is mixed as a 5% solution with water. If so, it's called vinegar.

How you can separate acetic acid from zinc methoxide?

Zinc methoxide and acetic acid react together to form methanol and zinc acetate