

What is the worst blood type to have?

Updated: 6/17/2022
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12y ago

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AB- is the rarest blood type like User:Stucatsosiad, but the worst acording to Korean scientists that type "B" is the worst
Type A+ because of the Xmaas Day 2005 Dr Who Episode!!

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If we mean OTHER blood types, Vel negative might be the worst, because 1, it's "rarer" than Rh null or AB- and 2, it's just "worse" than O+.

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I have blood type A, and I know that somehow type A is different from the other types, but I would like to know what they are.?

If you have blood type a you can donate blood to other people who have type a blood and to people who have type ab blood. People with type a blood are said to have thicker blood than the other blood types.

What was Goebbels' blood type?

Himmler's blood type was AB

What two blood types are not compatible?

More than just two blood types are not compatible with each other. The four basic types of blood are: A, B, AB, O(not counting Rh). Type A blood can only receive blood from type A and type O. However, type A blood can donate their blood to type A and type AB. Type B blood can only receive blood from type B and type O. However, type B blood can donate their blood to type B and type AB. Type AB blood can receive blood from every type, A, B, AB, and O. However, type AB blood can only donate to other AB. Type O blood can only receive blood from type O. However, type O can donate their blood to A, B, AB, and O. So, AB is the "universal" reciepient and O is the "universal" donor.

What blood type is a universal donor and what blood type is a universal receiver?

Blood type O is a universal donor of all blood types but can only receive from blood type O. Blood type AB is the only blood type that is a universal receiver of any blood type, but can only receive from blood type AB.

What is the rarest blood type and is it bad?

O positive is a rare blood type. There are very few complications with this blood type that are known. If a person has O blood type then they can receive any type of blood transfusion.

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Of course it's VEL NEGATIVE... Look for it on GOOGLE.

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O blood type can only receive O blood type because in genetic, O is has recessive alleles while other types of blood has codominant alleles. A recessive alleles cannot combine with dominant or codominant allels. So if a person who has blood type O receive the other types of blood besides O, the blood cells within that person is going to repel each other. The worst situation, the person can die.

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If both parents have type A blood then the baby should have type A blood. or type O blood