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the yolk

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Q: What is the yellow that you see when you candle your birds eggs?
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Can any bird besides an owl see yellow?

Just about all birds can see colors such as yellow.

Are baby eagles hatched from eggs?

Yes, of course! They are very much birds, and birds lay eggs. Do a wikipedia search, and you will see. :)

Do you tap on the eggs in Angry Birds when you see them?

yes you do XD

How do you know you a female bird is pregnant?

Female birds to not get pregnant. They lay fertilized eggs if they have spent enough time with a male bird. If you don't want baby birds, take away the eggs. If you want baby birds, let the female incubate them by keeping them warm.

When do you candle quail eggs?

You can try candling quail eggs at about eight days. Though it is often hard to see due to the coloration of the shell.

How can you tell if the eggs your hen is sitting on are rotten?

You can candle them to check for development. Mark those with dark spots indicating they are viable and date them. If after 21 days there is no change they are garbage. If you candle and see nothing, then they were not fertile eggs and should be discarded.

What is the study of Oology?

Oology is the branch of zoology that deals with the study of eggs. Well, kind of, it is the branch of ornithology, that deals with birds and eggs. Ornithology is the scientific study, of birds as a branch, of zoology. I try to see it as a big topic that gets narrower and narrower.

Why do ducks push eggs out of the nest?

When they do that they're not fertile or have gone bad ie they're no longer alive in there. Just remove them if you see them out. Also it's a possibility that she's on too many eggs. Sometimes other hens will lay their eggs near the sitting hen then push them under her! Nice huh? I always candle my eggs first before I throw them away. Don't leave them there or the birds MIGHT eat them.

How do you tell if a cockatiel egg is fertile?

If they are round and plump. Infertile eggs also tend to be yellow. Even if the eggs are dented I would still put them in an incubator until they mold since they can still be fertile and produce perfectly healthy babies.

How do you tell if eggs are gluggers?

The best way to tell if eggs are gluggers is to candle them. Hold a flashlight behind them in a dark room. You should be able to see the veins or developing embryo if they are fertile.

What eggs would you see in Idaho?

Idaho has a number of chicken farms which sell eggs for food. However many other birds, amphibians, and fish lay eggs to reproduce.

Why are snail eggs yellow?

that's just there egg colour like you see lots of animals eggs and they are diffrent colours so ya.....