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By high wind erosion, flood and, animal grazing

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Q: What is topsoil removal caused by?
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How do you use the word topsoil in a sentence?

The construction had caused all the topsoil to wash away. The rich topsoil of the prairies made good field for the crops.

What is the removal of minerals in the topsoil layer by water that is filtering down through the soil?


How does surface mining destroy flora?

Physical removal of flora, removal of topsoil, change in drainage, resulting in too little/too much water.

Which trail was caused by the Indian removal act?

The trail that was caused by the Indian removal act was the Trail of Tears.

How does erosion differnfrom weathering?

Erosion is the removal of the topsoil either by water or wind, while weathering is the break down of rock to form soil.

How does mining have a negative impact?

pollutes airpollutes waterdestroys buildings above the mining areaDestroys animals homes near the mine removal of topsoil

Is erosion an ecological topic?

Yes, erosion is an ecological topic. Particularly, the loss of topsoil caused by certain farming practices is of concern.

What is the Composition of topsoil?

topsoil composition is structure

Which has higher fertility topsoil or subsoil?


What are some good brands of topsoil?

Some good brands of topsoil include but are not limited to Miracle Grow topsoil, Black Magic topsoil, Earth Grow, and Scott's Premium topsoil to name a few.

What contains more humus topsoil or subsoil?


What holds the most water topsoil or sand?
