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You mean, what happens when positive and negative charges are equal?

That is simple, the equal opposite cancel each other out and we have an electrical neutrality

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A larger positive charge.

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Q: What is total positive charges and negative are equal?
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Why is each ionic compound considered to be electrically neutral?

Because the total number of positive charges and negative charges are equal.

In ionic compounds what are the sum of the charges of all the cations and anions?

The positive and negative charges are equal in magnitude (absolute value).

Does a neutron have both positive and negative charges?

A neutron has no electric charge. However, it is made up of smaller particles (quarks), which have both positive and negative charges. The total sum of all these charges, in the case of a neutron, is zero.

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Usually, the total charge of plasma is neutral. Of course, there are exceptions. As the atoms are energized, electrons are released into the system. That release leaves a bunch of positive and negative charges.

How can ionic compounds be neutral if they consist of positive and negative ions?

Ionic compounds are neutral because, even though they consist of positive and negative ions, the relative proportions between those ions are such that the total number of negative charges is the same as the total number of positive charges, thus summing to zero.

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Nickle ions, Ni+3, will bind to oxygen ions, O-2, in a ratio that depends on their charges since the total positive charges in the molecule must equal the total negative charges. The eventual number of positive and negative charges is found by the least common multiple of the charges. In this instance, the charges are 3 and 2. The least common multiple is 6, so two atoms of the Ni+3 are needed to have a total positivie charge of +6, and three O-2 are needed to have a total negative charge of -6 to provide the electrical balance. The resulting molecule is Ni2O3.

Why P and N Type Semiconductors are overall neutral?

it is because the total number of positive and negative charges remain equal throughout, so the Semi condt is always neutral in state.

In molecular compounds are the total number of positive charges equal to the total number of electrical charges?

yes. molecular compound is neutral. if a compound has charges, that's known as ionic compound.

What is a group of atoms with with a positive or negative charge?

A polyatomic ion is a group of atoms with a charge.

What is the total charge of 14 electrons and 6 protons?

Each proton has exactly one positive charge. Each electron has exactly one negative charge. One positive charge perfectly cancels one negative charge. So all you need to do is add six postive charges and 14 negative charges to get your answer.

Why ionic compound is neutral?

the total positive charge of the cations in an ionic compound is balanced by total negative charge of equal magnitude from the anions.

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The total numbers of positive and negative parts of the compound must be the same. Manganese (IV) has 4 positive charges per ion and phosphate has 3 negative charges per ion; therefore the formula is Mn3(PO4)4.