

Best Answer

Using a colon in the salutation and a comma in closing.

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Q: What is two point punctuation?
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Related questions

Should you space twice after a comma used as punctuation?

No. Only one space is necessary after a comma. Closing punctuation (period, exclamation point, question mark) has two spaces after them.

What a surprise punctuation question?

Exclamation point is the punctuation used in sentences expressing surprise.

What is internal punctuation?

Commas in the middle of a sentence, such as these, are internal punctuation; however, so are semicolons! But the exclamation point is at the end of the sentence and so is not internal!

What is the punctuation for go away?

exclamation point. It should be --- Go away!

What two forms of punctuation can be used to create compound sentences?

Two forms of punctuation that can be used to create compound sentences are commas (,) and semicolons (;).

What are two important parts of sentence?

Capitalization and punctuation.

What punctuation can you add to these numbers so they are exactly two apart 123456 and 23456?

You don't generally add punctuation to numbers.

What is the punctuation for Hit the brakes?

It is a command, likely followed by an exclamation point. "Hit the brakes!"

What is the right punctuation for hasta pronto?

There is an exclamation point on both ends of hasta pronto.

What are the braille punctuation?

Some common Braille punctuation marks include the period (.), comma (,), question mark (?), exclamation point (!), colon (:), semicolon (;), and quotation marks (" "). These symbols are used to convey proper punctuation in Braille text for individuals who are visually impaired.

How many spaces is after a comma when it is used as a mark of punctuation?


What are the most important 4 punctuation mark?

period (.) question mark (?) exclamation point (!) comma (,)