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To remove male genitals in a trans-gender operation aka ( sex reassignment surgery). People have this done when they feel they were born the wrong sex and wish to correct it by having their genitals replaced with the opposite sex. The first step is prior to surgery the individual has some kind of hormone therapy. There may be some other plastic surgery such as breast augmentation. Then there is usually a combination of surgeries performed, Penectomy, Orchiectomy, and some form of vaginoplasty.

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Q: What is used in the process of removing male genitals in a transgender person?
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Wanting to have both genitals is wanting to be intersexed, not a transsexual or transgender. However, people are born intersexed and cannot choose it. So if someone wants to be like an intersexed person, that would be a type of transgenderism. Intersexed - an individual which which is born with reproductive organs of both sexes. Transsexual - A person who strongly identifies with the opposite gender and who chooses to live as a member of the opposite gender or to become one by surgery. Transgender - is a general term applied to a variety of individuals, behaviors, and groups involving tendencies to vary from culturally conventional gender roles.

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This depends on the physical aspects of the individual: if a transgender individual's sex organs have been altered or removed by surgery, then it is unlikely (or impossible, in the case of removal) that the individual can become pregnant.

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FTM is an abbreviation that stands for "Female-to-Male" and refers to transgender individuals. This means a person who was born genetically female but has transitioned -- or is in the process of transitioning -- to live as a male. Testosterone injections and surgeries may be a part of this transition.

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Yes, if the transgender woman still has a penis and testicles and has sex with someone who was assigned female at birth.

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