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The mass of an atom is obtained dividing the atomic weight of an isotope by the Avogadro number.

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Q: What is used to find the mass of an atom?
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What Used to find the number of neutrons?

To find the number of neutrons in an atom you subtract the atomic mass fromthe mass number

What is the unit of measurement used to find the mass of an atom?

Ask your science teacher

How do you you find the mass number of an atom?

We can find atomic mass and mass number in chemical elements. Atomic mass is about weight of the atom. Mass number is about total of neutrons and protons.

Which of the following particles is used to determine the mass of an atom?

Mass of an atom is determined by the no. of protons+ no. of neutrons in the atom.

What particles are used to determined the mass of an atom?

Mass of an atom = mass of protons + mass of neutrons

Mass number used to calculate the number of?

the mass number of an atom is used to calculate the number of neutrons and protons in the nucleus of an atom

What is the number of an atom with 5 protons and 7 neutrons?

To the find the mass number of an atom you add the protons and neutrons. Meaning that the mass number of this atom is 12.

What has a different mass number than the normal atom?

We can find atomic mass and mass number in chemical elements. Atomic mass is about weight of the atom. Mass number is about total of neutrons and protons.

How do you find the molar mass of an atom?

Molar mass is a term applied for molecules, not for atoms.

What does the mass number of an atom help you find?

it helps you find where the nucleus is located

What unit is used to measure the mass of an atom?


Why it is not possible to find the absolute mass of an atom?

It is the smallest particle