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Metamorphic rock that resists chemical and mechanical weathering, for example, the rock gneiss.

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Q: What is weather resistant metamorphic rock?
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What is a short description of metamorphic rocks?

Brick is baked mud, and as such, can be considered to be sedimentary.

What rocks change into metamorphic rocks?

Any type of rock can become metamorphic.

Can metamorphic rock form out of other metamorphic rock?


How can a rock be transformed into a metamorphic rock?

Rock can be changed into metamorphic rock by heat and pressure.

How would metamorphic rock change into a new metamorphic rock?


Related questions

What is a stone that does not weather easily?

Quartzite, a metamorphic rock, is particularly resistant to weathering.

What is more resistant to weathering metamorphic or igneous rock?


How can a metamorphic rock change into another rock?

Yes. A metamorphic rock can be metamorphosed into a higher-grade metamorphic rock. It can be weather into sediment and re-lithified into a sedimentary rock, or it can melt then solidify to become an igneous rock.

What type of rock will the metamorphic rock most likely transform into?

Another metamorphic rock or likely weather to form sediments that results to sedimentary rock.

Is metamorphic rock weather proof?

No rock is "weather proof." All forms of rock will eventually be worn away (eroded) by the action of the weather.

Is there a sentence with the word rock cycle?

Igneous rock can weather and become sedimentary rock . Metamorphic rock can be melted in a volcano and become igneous rock. Igneous rock and sedimentary rock can be heated and pressurized to form metamorphic rock.

Which types of rock can weather and wear away to form sediment?

Igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary.

What can happen to a rock once its form?

it can turn into molten rock it can be heated and pressured and turn into metamorphic it can weather and turn to sediments

What is a short description of metamorphic rocks?

Brick is baked mud, and as such, can be considered to be sedimentary.

What kind of rock is formed with heat and pressure?

Metamorphic rocks, like slate or quartizite, or even diamonds.

How a sedimentary rock or igneous rock become a metamorphic rock?

when sedimentary rocks get exposed to great heat and pressure, they become more consolidated (harder to weather). when igneous rock combines with sediments and the two are heated under pressure, they become one rock, a metamorphic rock

What type of rock is slate?

A metamorphic rock.