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Red Ear Sliders are not "bottom walkers" so it won't stay on the bottom. They love swimming, and can get quite large so a lot of swimming space is needed. They also absolutely NEED to bask to prevent shell rot and other not so nice medical conditions, including not digesting their food and eventually death. If you are concerned about your turtle, I recommend checking out either the Turtle Forum or the Tortoise Forum (they have a small turtle section), and then deciding if it needs to go to a vet. Most reptile specialty vets will check out your pet for 20-50 dollars, plus the cost of medications and tests.

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Q: What is wrong with my red ear slider if it won't stay at the bottom of the pond?
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statues of birds will usually deter an egret. also, your pond should be deep enough for the koi to stay out of range, at least 36 inches deep. i have rock ledges in my pond for the fish to hide under. if your pond has a ledge, fill it with plants so there is nowhere for the bird to stand.