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King Zimri, who reigned for seven days. ( I Kings 16:15)

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Q: What israel king had the shortest reign?
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Is three months the second shortest reign in the bible?

No. The second shortest reign was Shallum, a king of Israel who reigned one month. (2 Kings 15.13)

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Who claims Israel's throne after Saul's reign as king?

It was David who became king.

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Which king in the Old Testament had the shortest reign?

King Zimri, who reigned for seven days. ( I Kings 16:25)

King Solomon's place of birth?

He was born in Israel, in the 28th year of King David's reign.

Who was the Fifth king of Israel whose reign lasted only a week?

Zimri was the fifth king of the Northern Kingdom of Israel and reigned for seven days in 885BC.

Whose reign was shortest among kings in the Bible?

King Zimri, the 5th king of the Northern Kingdom, killed King Eiah and reigned as king for only 7 days.

What are the approximate dates of King Solomon's reign?

Solomon was the King of Israel and kept his reign from 970 to 931 BC, which can be approximately calculated to be 40 years. Given that one year has 365 days, his total days on reign was about 14600.

When Did Israelite King David reign?

David reigned over Israel during 1000 - 967 BC

Who had the shortest reign in history?

The shortest recorded reign I could find was King Louis XIX of France. His reign began on August 2, 1830 and ended the same exact day. It lasted an impressive fifteen minutes in total. Basically, good old Louis was the Dauphin of France, being the eldest son of King Charles X. After the July Revolution, Charles X was forced to sign papers abdicating his claim to the throne. This abdication made Louis and his wife the king and queen of France. The new king's embarrassingly brief reign consisted of him listening to his ambitious wife demand that he not sign the abdication papers while his father wept in a corner. Being king is fun.

When did Jerusalem become the religious center of Israel?

During the reign of King David, between 1010 and 970 B.C.E.