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she falls in love but is catious to weither she will be used for pleasaure and then just be thrown away. she wants to make sure romeos love is true.

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Q: What juliets character like in Romeo and Juilet?
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What romeo look like?

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No, Romeo does not smell like poop. Shakespeare's character Romeo is a fictional character and does not have a physical presence to emit smells.

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How many siblings did juilet have?

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What is example of allusion?

An example of an allusion is referring to someone as a "modern-day Romeo" to suggest they are romantic and passionate like the character from Shakespeare's play "Romeo and Juliet." This references the familiar story and character to help create a specific image or understanding for the audience.

How do you analyze Juliets speech in act3 scene2?

Juliet has about 12 speeches in this scene, from one-liners like "Oh God! Did Romeo's hand shed Tybalt's blood?" to a couple that are about 30 lines long.

Why are juliets responses to tybalts death important?

it's important because Juliet thought Romeo was a really good guy and didn't understand why he killed her cousin. She didn't think he would do something like that.