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What key practices among the colonial governments became a part of your nations system of government?

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Q: What key practices among the colonial governments became a part of your nations system of government?
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What colonial government practices became a part in your nations government?

One practice that was used by colonial governments that became part of the government system was that a written constitution guarantees basic liberties and limits the power of the government. Another would be the separation of power between the legislature and the governor.

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It was imperative for African nations to set up transition governments in order to have a smooth transition between the colonial government and the African government. The new members of government needed to learn the key elements of their positions before completely taking over.

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they had democratic governments.

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In order to import their ideals into other nations.

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The independent nations of Oceania have political systems modeled after their former colonial masters

What way did the legacy of imperialism shape the current governments of Oceania?

The independent nations of Oceania have political systems modeled after their former colonial masters

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To device their own government

How was colonial Africa divided into countries?

The European nations divided Africa into colonies based on artificial regions, ignoring the ethnic and tribal divisions that had existed. This caused conflicts between native populations, as well as with their colonial governments.

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Sovereignty relates to government insofar as governments reflect the sovereign authority of their nations. In modern democracies, this authority lies with the citizens, and is only represented by the goverment.

How did most African nations set up their governments after gaining independence?

They set them up to match the Britain's. This is because they were used to that form of government.

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The new African nations tended to create governments based on European models.

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The government of the new nation of india was set up as a parlimentary democracy, similar to governments in Britain, Germany, and other western nations.