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Circular? like prokaryotic

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Q: What kind DNA to eukaryotic cells have?
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N eukaryotic cells which organelle contains the DNA?

In eukaryotic cells which organelle contains DNA?

Is it true or false that prokaryotic cells contain more DNA than eukaryotic cells?

False. Prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells both contain DNA, but eukaryotic cells store their DNA in a nucleus, whereas prokaryotic cells have their DNA everywhere throughout the cell.

How are prokaryotic and eukaryotic alike and diffrent?

Prokaryotic cells have no nuclei and eukaryotic cells have a true nuclei. prokaryotic DNA is circular where eukaryotic DNA is linear.

What holds the DNA in a eukaryotic cell?

In eukaryotic cells, the chromosomes hold the DNA of an organism.

Where is DNA stored in a eukaryotic cells?

DNA of eukaryotic cell is present in nucleus.

What analogous structure are blueprints in eukaryotic cells?

DNA is the original "blueprint" in eukaryotic cells.

What kind of DNA do Eukaryotic cells have?

I dont know but I think its circular (just like prokaryotic is circular)?

DNA in Eukaryote long and linear?

DNA in Eukaryotic cells are linear. DNA in Prokaryotic cells are circular.

Is DNA present in both prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells?

Eukaryotic DNA is linear, whereas most prokaryotic DNA is circular.

What can be found in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells?


The main difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells is that?

eukaryotic cells have a nucleus that holds their DNA. Prokaryotic cells have no nucleus and their DNA floats around the cell. Eukaryotic cells generally have a lot more DNA than prokaryotic cells because prokaryotic cells are a lot less complicated than their counterpart.

Where is the DNA in the porkaryotic and eukaryotic cells?

In eukaryotic cells, DNA exists within the nucleus. In prokaryotic cells, DNA is located as a circular chromosome just in the cytoplasm. There is however a distinct region though but IT IS NOT A NUCLEUS.