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The people of "The Book"! The Hebrew/Israelites. Read Deut. 28

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Q: What kind of Africans were chosen to be slaves?
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Three reasons why africans were chosen as slaves?

They were close geographically, slavery was already established, and there was a large population.

Why were Africans chosen to become slaves?

Africans were used as slaves because they were looked down on and were resistant to malaria, a disease that had killed most Native American slaves. Also, slavery existed in a different form in Africa, so African slave traders provided a large supply to whites.

How was the relationship between colonist and africans?

Well they were the colonists' slaves, so they were most likely cruel to Africans, although there was probably the occasional kind colonist

Are there Africans slaves?


Why were africans chosen to work on sugar plantation?

why were the africans chosen to work on sugar plantations

Was the Native Americas used as slaves in North America's?

They were but they did not make good slaves. The purchace of Africans from the Africans gave better slaves.

How did Africans change Jamestown?

Africans changed Jamestown because they used Africans for slaves.

What work do Africans do?


Ways in how africans became slaves?

Africans became slaves in multiple ways, through wars, debts and for protection.

How did the africans slaves influence on American music?

They came over to America and played their music and then the Americans caught on and started making music that sounded kind of like the africans music.

What was the difference between African and European attitudes toward slaves?

Africans sold their slaves Europeans purchased the slaves the Africans were selling. Unlike Africans, Europeans wanted the adult males for hard labor

How did Africans slaves contribute to the development of the Africans?

their greatest contribution was their labor.