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They are really fat animals I hope this answer helps you guys

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Q: What kind of animals are the osteichthyes?
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Related questions

What class of animals do trout belong to?

its a osteichthyes or other meaning of osteichthyes is bony fish

Which kind of blood osteichthyes have?

cold blooded

What kind of consumers are Osteichthyes?

boney fish

What is the species' name for a fish?

The term "fish" is applied to a class of animals (Osteichthyes) that includes some 21,000 extremely diverse species.

What is the kingdom phylum class order family genus species of a fish?

animalia, chordata, osteichthyes rest depends on the kind of fish!

What type of reproduction do Osteichthyes have?

The reproduction among organisms in Osteichthyes varies greatly, but is all sexual reproduction with separate sexes.

What eats a osteichthyes?

Other fish.

What type of body do osteichthyes have?


What does the word Osteichthyes mean?

Osteichthyes are fish that have skeletons made out of bone instead of cartilage. They are usually called "bony fish".

Do Osteichthyes have sexual reproduction?

ya man

Perch and trout are members of this class?


Do osteichthyes have external or internal fertilization?
