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The Puggle is a sweet, intelligent dog who can fit easily into family life. They can be playful and cuddly and enjoy spending time with the people in their lives. Puggles usually get along well with everyone, including kids and other pets. Potential behavior problems include howling, barking, digging, or wandering.

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15y ago

Some are very hyper and like to lick alot while others are laid back and dont lick as much. They usually stop when they tell you to but some can be stubborn......

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Q: What kind of behavior is expected from a puggle?
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Deviance can best be defined as what kind of behavior?

In Webster, it says it refers to that behavior that is different from the expected norm.

Is the puggle a good dog to have?

depends on what the puggle's personality is AND what your personality is.

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How do you make a puggle on mutt maker?

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Well a puggle is bigger then a pocket puggle.So the difference is that the

Is there a breed of dog called a Puggle?

A puggle is a mix between a pug and a beagle.

Is a Puggle a good puppy to buy?

Yes a puggle is a awsome dog and it loves children

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A "puggle" is the designer name for a cross between a pug and a beagle. Strictly speaking, a puggle should retain half of the characteristics of its pug parent.

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