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Owls have large eyes that help them search for food at night.

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Q: What kind of bird has a large eyes that searches for food at night?
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Related questions

What is the night bird with large head and eyes?

It is an owl. There are several species of owls, some large or small, and not all species hunt at night. If all the feathers were removed from a tawny owl, for instance, it would reveal how small the owl's body really is without the bulk of the plumage.

Description of bird?

A bird can be described by saying a few key words. Such as beak, winged, feathers, claws, and large eyes.

What bird size creature flies at night and has pink glowing eyes?

Probably some species of bat.

Why do ayes ayes have big eyes?

They have relatively large eyes to help them collect light while they are active at night. The species is nocturnal.

Is a bush baby a bird?

A bushbaby is a small primate with very large eyes that lives in sub-Saharan Africa.

What bird revived Argus's eyes?

Hera's peacocks is the bird that revived Argus's eyes.

How does a flamingo see?

A flamingo looks like a very large bird, but has four legs and in pink. It's head is as large as its body and is cannot fly!

Why do birds avoid animals with large eyes?

Birds avoid animals with large eyes on the front of their heads because they see them as predators. This is frightening to the bird, so they stay away. Animals with smaller eyes to the side, rather than front, are not thought of as predators by the birds.

IS there any bird has eyes on their sides?

mynar bird

How large is the eye of an ostrich?

Approximately 1.25 inches in an adult Emu.

What kind of bird recived Argus eyes?

Hera gave her sacred bird, the peacock, the eyes of Argus.

How can you make a bird in text?

(=^) bird in egg =^ bird not in egg(=eyes ^beak)