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Its a Nice question the answer is that they are Quaternary consumer because they eat tertiary consumers like hawk.

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Q: What kind of consumer is a tiger?
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Is a saber-toothed tiger a decomposer or a consumer?

the answer is the bangal tiger is a consumer and a carnivore the answer is the bangal tiger is a consumer and a carnivore the answer is the bangal tiger is a consumer and a carnivore

Is a Eastern tiger Salamander a producer consumer or a decomposer?

The Eastern Tiger Salamander is a consumer

Is a Siberian tiger a consumer or producer?

a Siberian tiger is obviously a consumer. It is a secondary consumer. Why would it be a producer if it doesn't produce anything.

Why is a tiger a consumer?

tiger is a consumer because he eats he does not make any thing that can contribute to the ecosystem he consumes animals

Is a white tiger a consumer or producer?

a white tiger is a producer

Is tiger a secondary consumer?

no, a tiger is a tertiary consumer, because it eats secondary consumers which eat animals that eat plants.

Is a Bengal tiger a producer?

No, it is a consumer.

What eats the white tiger?

A white tiger is a teritory consumer so no animal eats white tiger.

Is a white begal tiger a consumer?


Is the white tiger a producer or consumer?

It is a consumer. It consumes other animals. A producer is a plant, or anything else that produces its' own food.

How does a tiger obtain energy is it a producer a consumer a carnivore a herbivore an omnivore or a scavenger?

A tiger is a carnivore.

What are 3 exampls of a consumer?
