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Spinosaurus was one of the most tallest and biggest carnivorous dinosaurs of all times, that lived somewhere in Northen Africa, it was much taller and much more fearsome than T-Rex.

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3y ago

Most Sauropods are much taller then the trex and a correction for the other answer the facts about the spino are wrong a T. rex’s bite is compared to being crushed by 3 cars and has a good estimated 3-5 tons more weight then the spinosaurus. New fossil evidence for the spinosaurus also reveals that it’s hind legs were awkwardly small and the trex would of had to look down to look the spino in the eye.

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Q: What kind of dinosaurs are taller than a T-rex?
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Is a giraffe taller than a T-rex?

There are a lot of types of dinosaurs, so it depends what kind of dinosaur you are talking about.The tallest known dinosaurs were a lot taller than the tallest giraffes.Adult giraffes can reach a height of about 5-6 meters depending on the individual. The largest and tallest dinosaurs are found in the 'long neck' group the Sauropoda. Unfortunately the dinosaurs thought to be the tallest are very incomplete so there is uncertainly as to their exact dimensions. There is also uncertanty as to how much range of motion the tallest dinosaurs had in their necks, which effects how tall they would be.The dinosaur Giraffatitan is probably the most complete tall dinosaur. It might have been able to reach about 14m in height (This is dependant on how much range of motion there was in its neck).Sauroposeidon is another contender but is only known from fragmentry remains. It is estimated that it might have been able to reach 17m in height.

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No. Mammoths are from the ice age not the Mesozoic era (dinosaur age).

What is bigger griffe or dinosaurs?

There were many types of dinosaurs, some of which were much small than the giraffe. However, big dinosaurs were much larger than giraffes. The biggest known dinosaur, Argentinosaurus, weighed 80 tons, as much as 45 giraffes, was 30 feet tall (at least 50% taller than a giraffe), and 100 to 115 feet long.

What is the pterodactyl evolution?

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Who would win majungatholus vs trex?

there should be two majungatholous here are the reasons 1. because trex weighs 7 tons and majungasaurus 1 to 3 tons and also trex is 14 feet larger so a trex would try bite neck but majungasaurus would use its bat like tail and make crack in trex teeth but trex now gets a change to bite on the body now the majungasaurus gets faint the other majungasurus bites the trex neck and the trex throws off the majungasaurus but it cant bite the majungasaurus as it teeth had cracks and while biting the first majungasaurus they broke so it tries to stamp the majungasaurus second but the also bit the trex on his legs but unable to move Sothe winner is atie but if the both attack at same time majungasaurus is the winner be majungasaurus as it is very fast agile and can run 56 kph and itsaid to be slow because it is only slower than many abelisaurs WINNER - majungasaurus and now its the king of dinosaurs sorry trex fans